What does living well look like?
“Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.” – Aristotle
‘Living well’ means different things to different people, but most definitions agree that the idea of wellness includes:
- Regularly experiencing short-term happiness
- Feeling long-term life satisfaction
- Being physically and psychologically healthy
- Being emotionally and spiritually fulfilled
- Having the energy to accomplish goals, whatever they might be
For older people, ‘living well’ can also mean ageing successfully, or getting old gracefully by retaining good social, psychological, and physical functioning.
The Role of Nutrition in Living Well
Physical health is a big part of living well.
When we’re healthy, we feel empowered. Our energy levels are high, we feel mentally positive, and we’re physically capable of tackling the challenges life throws at us. Health enables us to be happy.
Protein, energy, vitamins, and minerals are the building blocks of physical strength and vitality. When we don’t consume enough of the right nutrients, we increase our risk of developing serious health problems, including debilitating conditions like malnutrition and sarcopenia.
The right nutrients are also responsible for keeping us healthy at different stages of our lives. The curiosity of childhood, the stamina we need for work, and the maturity of old age are all powered by our diet – eating right helps us grow healthy and stay healthy, preventing the onset of many chronic health conditions.
Living well means living healthy, and good health starts with good nutrition.
Our Living Well Solutions
Living Well Nutrition
Living Well Nutrition
Living Well Nutrition
Living Well Nutrition
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Learn About Living Well
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Recipes & Cooking
Why Gut Health Matters for Older Adults Did you know an unhealthy gut can induce brain inflammation and lead to conditions such as anxiety and depression [1]? In r....
These light, fluffy pikelets that are perfect for breakfast or dessert, and can be enriched with AdVital Powder for extra nutrition. Unfortified1¼ cup....
- 20 Minutes
Bite-sized meatballs fortified with AdVital Powder are high in protein, energy-dense, and provide a good source of Vitamin D. Oven 1 egg (59g)2 tbsp w....
- 45 Minutes
Loaded with a delightful combination of nostalgia and vitamins, this AdVital-fortified chocolate milkshake is high in protein, energy-dense, and a good source of....
- 5 Minutes
This warm and comforting porridge, fortified with AdVital Powder, is high in protein, energy-dense, and a good source of vitamins A and D and calcium. Micr....
- 10 Minutes
Rich, creamy and loaded with AdVital, our banana smoothie is an easy way to add a dose of tasty nutrients to your day. 1 medium Cavendish banana1 cup f....
- 5 Minutes
The buttery richness of our scrambled eggs is balanced by their light, fluffy texture. MicrowaveStove Top 4 large eggs½ cup full cream milk (125mL)1 sc....
- 10 Minutes
Shepherd’s Pie Our traditional shepherd's pie fortified with AdVital Powder to create a meal high in protein, energy-dense, and a good source of vitamins....
- 55 Minutes